There are no collectibles in this mission.These items are indicated with a † symbol. Note: Some items below may be collected outside of the mission listed, but due to their close proximity to the mission location they are also included here. The following collectibles are only found within the game's missions and must be collected while that mission is active. For a list of collectibles by type, please see their respective pages. They are broken down by those found in missions and then by neighborhood. This walkthrough contains locations for all collectibles found in the game. Finding all the wanted posters will earn you the Card Sharp achievement.The Mafia: DE Collectible Walkthrough lists all collectibles found in Mafia: Definitive Edition.Finding all 50 Playboy magazines will earn you the Ladies' Man achievement.Finding one Playboy magazine or wanted poster will earn you the Collector's Item achievement.Mafia II has 159 wanted posters to collect, and another 30 are added to the Mafia II: Definitive Edition. Each wanted poster depicts a gangster-style mugshot of a member of the 2K Czech staff. Unlike Playboy magazines, they can be collected any time the player can roam freely around the city. They're found on the exteriors of buildings and alleyways around Empire Bay. Wanted Posters are another collectible item in Mafia II. See the magazine page for specific location and chapter details. An additional 19 magazines are featured in Joe's Adventures. There are 50 magazines to be collected, most of which only appear in specific missions. Are you having a tough time collecting all the collectibles in the 'Joe's Adventures' DLC This Mafia 2 Mod from Spiffyskytrooper will give you a helping hand. They feature a centerfold model that can be viewed in the extras menu. Playboy Magazines are an in game collectible found throughout Empire Bay. Dog-Head Costume: Complete the 'Curse of the Baskervilles' mission. parnik - Spawn boat under nearest bridge (Titanic mode) cumdal - Maximum draw distance. Collectibles can be viewed in the main menu under "Extras". jizda - Folds roof down on compatible cars. Click on the individual articles for detailed descriptions and location information. Below is a list of collectibles in Mafia II.