On your iPhone, please log in to Gmail, and you will see the backup messages from the Android phone in the " Inbox". Tap on the " Backup" icon on the Android phone, and the app will back up your SMS to Gmail quickly. Then launch the app and click the " Connect" option to add your Google account to the app. Besides the " IMAP Access" option, please tap on the " Enable IMAP" and the " Save Changes" icon. Choose the " Forwarding and POP/IMAP" tab. Then sign in to Gmail with your Gmail account and click the "Settings" button on the top right. First of all, you need to download and install SMS Backup+ on the Android phone. Guide on how to transfer text messages from Android to iPhone with SMS Backup+:

But some users said that it can't back up well after Google and Gmail changed the settings. SMS Backup+ is a free open source for users. It will export the backup files via Gmail and Google Calendar. SMS Backup+ can transfer text messages from Android to iPhone easily, and it will back up the text messages on the Android phone automatically, as well as MMS, call history. Part 1: Transfer Text Messages from Android to iPhone 14 with SMS Backup+ Part 3: Transfer Texts from iPhone to Android Using SMS Backup & Restore.Part 2: Transfer Messages from Android to iPhone 14 via Move to iOS.Part 1: Transfer Text Messages from Android to iPhone 14 with SMS Backup+.